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Turnus #0: June 1-6   7-14 years old - Kolonie Góralskie prowadzone przez Tatra Mountain Foudation 
Turnus #1: June 22-27   7-14 years old  
Turnus #2: June 29-July 4  7-14 years old - Kolonie "Bliżej Boga"*
Turnus #3: July 6-11   8-14 years old 
Turnus #4: July 13-18  8-14 years old - Kolonie piÅ‚karskie**
Turnus #5: July 20-29 (10 days)  8-14 years old

Kolonie w Camp Vista gÅ‚ównie sÄ… skierowane do dzieci polonijnych. Niemniej jednak mamy dzieci mówiÄ…ce tylko po angielsku lub w innych jÄ™zykach. Nasz program zawiera niektóre zajÄ™cia prowadzone tylko w jÄ™zyku polskim, i ktos kto nie rozumie polskiego jezyka powinien miec przyjaciela, ktory z nim przyjedzie i bedzie tlumaczyl te tresci ktore beda w jezyku polskim.  

* Dodatkiem do programu na tym turnusie bÄ™dzie codzienna Msza ÅšwiÄ™ta oraz spotkania formacyjne prowadzone przez kaplana/osoby swieckie
** Dodatkiem do programu na tym turnusie bÄ™dzie codzienne przygotowanie do meczu i mecz w piÅ‚kÄ™ nożnÄ… (dla chetnych)



Cena za Turnusy #1, #2, #3, #4 wynosi:

- pierwsze dziecko z rodziny - $750 
- drugie dziecko z rodziny - $675 
- trzecie dziecko z rodziny oraz każde kolejne - $595 


Cena za turnus #5 (10-dniowy) wynosi:

- pierwsze dziecko z rodziny $1,295 
- drugie dziecko z rodziny $1,220 
- trzecie dziecko z rodziny oraz kolejne - $1,140 


UWAGA: Ceny jak rowniez inne informacje podane na naszych stronach internetowych mogÄ… ulec zmianie



Parents/guardians provide transportation for their child(ren) to and from Camp Vista. Address for GPS, pick-up/drop-off times and more information will be provided after child's registration.



If parents are not able to send their children to camp due to financial difficulties, please write to us. We too wish that your children have a joyful childhood. Upon review, we might offer scholarships that cover the cost of attending our summer program (recent tax return documents may be requested).



Insurance is not included in the cost of summer camp. For children who do not have an active insurance plan that is valid in the state of Wisconsin, we recommend purchasing insurance in the case of accidents, cancellation of reservation, lost luggage, and other unpredictable situations.


Camp Vista recommends purchasing TRAVEL INSURED or TRAVEL GUARD insurance or other (ask for advice your family insurance agent). The price of this type of insurance is about $35. The insurance of your choice should cover medical costs related to illness, accidental injuries, as well as costs associated with resignation from the trip. If you choose "Travel Insured" the application for this insurance can be found at or by calling (800)-243-3174.


We are not responsible for assisting with any insurance needs if an unpredictable occurrence is encountered during the trip.



It is possible to cancel your reservation for our summer program and receive a refund. In this situation, the amount returned by Camp Vista depends on the following circumstances:

  • Cancellation 30+ days before departure: amount paid minus $150 deposit is refunded

  • Cancellation 29-14 days before departure: 50% of total price is refunded

  • Cancellation less than 14 days before departure: no refund will be issued

​General Registration will start:

October 14,2024

Linksto the Registration Forms below:


    - for Camper (7-14 years old)

    - for Junior Counselor (14-16 years old)

    - for Volunteers (17 years old) 

    - for Counselor (18+ years old) 


To register please print, fill out and send registration form through the regular mail (or other type of mail if you want to have proof of delivery) along with the deposit of $150 or full payment to Camp Vista.  For General Registration we have MAIL-IN RESERVATIONS ONLY.
If you live near Camp Vista, you might bring the registration documents directly to the Vista Office between October 14, 2024 and May 15, 2025.
We do not take phone or e-mail reservations, and any option to make reservation outside of Camp Vista is unavailable.

3. Due to high demand and limited space, we can allow participants to sign up for ONE WEEK only.

4. Printable useful documents:

- Packing List - things we suggest bringing for summer camp 

- Health Screening Form - please bring at check in.


5. We strongly encourage not to hesitate in making a reservation. We do

have limited space, and we honor a strict rule do not accept more campers than we are prepared to supervise. The payment in full should be sent to us no later than 30 days before departure date. Children can be signed up for one week only. We reserve the right to refuse admission to our program due to availability, late submission, improper behavior of participant in the past, and other reasons including those that come up after reviewing registration forms.



Organizers reserve the right to alter the program presented on our website or any other publications related to Camp Vista.


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